Appeals Procedure
Candidates who are not satisfied with their result may appeal the result.
Send an email to no later than one month after the certificate has been dispatched requesting a test appeal and
giving the candidate’s name, the candidate’s date of birth and the date of the exam.
Pay the appeal fee below.
The original certificate must be retained by the candidate. The test will be remarked by senior TEA examiners
If there is no change to the overall score, the original certificate will remain valid and the candidate will not receive a refund of the
appeal fee.
If a lower overall score is awarded, the original certificate will remain valid and the candidate will not receive a refund of the appeal fee.
If a higher overall is awarded, then the new certificate will be dispatched and the appeal fee will be refunded in full.
Pay the appeal fee (this will be refunded if your appeal is successful):
Appeals Procedure
Candidates who are not satisfied with their result may appeal the result.
Send an email to no later than one month after
the certificate has been dispatched requesting a test appeal and
giving the candidate’s name, the candidate’s date of birth and the
date of the exam.
Pay the appeal fee below.
The original certificate must be retained by the candidate. The test will
be remarked by senior TEA examiners
If there is no change to the overall score, the original certificate will
remain valid and the candidate will not receive a refund of the appeal
If a lower overall score is awarded, the original certificate will remain
valid and the candidate will not receive a refund of the appeal fee.
If a higher overall is awarded, then the new certificate will be
dispatched and the appeal fee will be refunded in full.
Pay the appeal fee (this will be refunded if your appeal is successful):